1971 shaares
6 private links
6 private links
A compact and simple object notation. µ[mju:] stands for "micro".
File extension: .mu
MIME type: application/muon
Endianness: little-endian
Signature/Magic: optional, 8F B5 30 31 ["�µ01"] @ 0x0
Muon has some interesting properties (see presentation and docs):
Every null-terminated UTF8 string is at the same time a valid muon object
Gaps in the UTF8 encoding space (code units) are used to encode things like [ ] { } etc.
Muon is self-describing and schemaless, just like JSON (unlike Protobuf and FlatBuffers)
Compact (~10..50% smaller than JSON). On par or outperforms CBOR, MsgPack, UBJSON
Unlimited size of objects and values
Data is ready to be used in-place without pre-processing
Supports raw binary data (values and TypedArrays)
Can optionally contain count of elements (and size in bytes) of all structures for efficient document processing, similar to BSON
Voice command to computer
Initially QEMU was an emulation engine, with a Just-In-Time compiler (TCG). The TCG is here to dynamically translate target instruction set architecture (ISA) to host ISA.
qemu-system-aarch64 --accel ?
Accelerators supported in QEMU binary: