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Ever wondered how device drivers are reverse engineered? We’ll show you with a simple yet complete example
Unikernels promise some interesting benefits. The Ubuntu 14.04 amd64-disk1.img cloud image is 243 MB unconfigured, while the unikernel ended up at just 5.2 MB (running the queue service). Ubuntu runs a large amount of C code in security-critical places, while the unikernel is almost entirely type-safe OCaml. And besides, trying new things is fun.
This article explores some of the Linux architectures that support real-time characteristics and discusses what it really means to be a real-time architecture. Several solutions endow Linux with real-time capabilities, and in this article I examine the thin-kernel (or micro-kernel) approach, the nano-kernel approach, and the resource-kernel approach. Finally, I describe the real-time capabilities in the standard 2.6 kernel and show you how to enable and use them.
The course was aimed at C developers who wanted an introduction to both general UNIX-style user-space and Linux kernel development with a focus on embedded systems issues. The course is aimed at two 8-hour days, and is pretty packed in even then.
This document looks at the numerous and interesting ways the Linux kernel 2.6 interacts with user space programs. We explain sockets, procfs (and similar virtual filesystems), creating new Linux system calls, as well as mundane file and memory handling.
More on userspace interfaces: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-kernel-memory-access/
This is the web site for the Third Edition of Linux Device Drivers, by Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman. For the moment, only the finished PDF files are available; we do intend to make an HTML version and the DocBook source available as well.
lsmod | perl -e 'print "digraph \"lsmod\" {";<>;while(<>){@=split/\s+/; print "\"$[0]\" -> \"$\"\n" for split/,/,$[3]}print "}"' | dot -Tpng | display -
On January 31st 2014 a post appeared on oss-seclist [1] describing a bug in the Linux kernel implementation of the x32 recvmmsg syscall that could potentially lead to privilege escalation. It didn't take long until the first exploits appeared, in this blog post we'll walk-through the vulnerability and Samuel's Proof-of-concept exploit in detail.
Lot of doc on the linux kernel (see ressource section)
"MultiPath TCP (MPTCP) is an effort towards enabling the simultaneous use of several IP-addresses/interfaces by a modification of TCP that presents a regular TCP interface to applications, while in fact spreading data across several subflows. Benefits of this include better resource utilization, better throughput and smoother reaction to failures."
MPTCP est une extension du protocole TCP qui permet de gérer les connexions de manière agnostique. C'est spécialement utile pour la mobilité, quand on a par exemple 2 connexions actives wifi/3G.
Apple l'a déja implémenté sur iOS7 pour la gestion du traffic généré par Siri. A mon avis c'est "the next big thing" comme ils disent aux states...
(via http://links.buntux.org/?_MX-cg)