6 private links
That article mentioned runtime performance as the main reason for employing CRTP instead of the more traditional runtime polymorphism (dispatch via virtual functions). While some rationale for the cost of virtual calls was given, I didn’t go too deep into it.
A blog describing a lot of vulnerability !
A free alternative to IDA Pro
Some odd fact about x86 assembly
There is really black magic !
also see that: http://www.agner.org/optimize/microarchitecture.pdf
counting cycles
Buffer overflow to change class type ,changing its vptr
Get all sort of information on your cpu using cpuid instruction
Lot's of hacking stuff !!
Half of a solution to make naked function in gcc
btw to use intel syntax in gcc:
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix\n"
"int 3\n"
"mov eax, [x+4]\n"
"movss xmm1,[f+4]\n"
"fld [fa+4]\n"
Better use mathematic trick.
Cours c++ en asm
Recherche la signification d'un instruction assembleur