6 private links
curl "https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/l/linux/" | xmllint --recover --html --xpath "string(//a[last() - 1]/@href)" -
how do flatpak create directory in /var/lib/flatpak when non root?
When the ZIG_PROGRESS=X environment variable is present, where X is an unsigned decimal integer in range 0...65535, a process-wide progress reporting channel is available.
The integer is a writable file descriptor opened in non-blocking mode. Subsequent messages to the stream supersede previous ones.
The stream supports exactly one kind of message that looks like this:
len: u8 - number of nodes, limited to 253 max, reserving 0xfe and 0xff for special meaning.
48 bytes for every len:
completed: u32le - how many items already done
estimated_total: u32le - guessed number of items to be completed, or 0 (unknown)
name: [40]u8 - task description; remaining bytes zeroed out
1 byte for every len:
parent: u8 - creates an edge to a parent node in the tree, or 0xff (none)
Future versions of this protocol, if necessary, will use different environment variable names.
Is This Project Still Maintained?
Yes. Maybe. Actually, perhaps no. Well, really, it depends on what you mean by “maintained”.
I wrote the software in this repo for my own benefit – to solve the problems I had, when I had them. While I could have kept the software to myself, I instead released it publicly, under the terms of an open licence, with the hope that it might be useful to others, but with no guarantees of any kind. Thanks to the generosity of others, it costs me literally nothing for you to use, modify, and redistribute this project, so have at it!
OK, Whatever. What About Maintenance?
In one sense, this software is “maintained”, and always will be. I fix the bugs that annoy me, I upgrade dependencies when not doing so causes me problems, and I add features that I need. To the degree that any on-going development is happening, it’s because I want that development to happen.
However, if “maintained” to you means responses to questions, bug fixes, upgrades, or new features, you may be somewhat disappointed. That’s not “maintenance”, that’s “support”, and if you expect support, you’ll probably want to have a “support contract”, where we come to an agreement where you pay me money, and I help you with the things you need help with.
That Doesn’t Sound Fair!
If it makes you feel better, there are several things you are entitled to:
The ability to use, study, modify, and redistribute the contents of this repository, under the terms stated in the applicable licence(s).
That any interactions you may have with myself, other contributors, and anyone else in this project’s spaces will be in line with the published Code of Conduct, and any transgressions of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with appropriately.
… actually, that’s it.
Things that you are not entitled to include an answer to your question, a fix for your bug, an implementation of your feature request, or a merge (or even review) of your pull request. Sometimes I may respond, either immediately or at some time long afterwards. You may luck out, and I’ll think “hmm, yeah, that’s an interesting thing” and I’ll work on it, but if I do that in any particular instance, it does not create an entitlement that I will continue to do so, or that I will ever do so again in the future.
But… I’ve Found a Huge and Terrible Bug!
You have my full and complete sympathy. It’s reasonable to assume that I haven’t come across the same bug, or at least that it doesn’t bother me, otherwise I’d have fixed it for myself.
Feel free to report it, if only to warn other people that there is a huge bug they might need to avoid (possibly by not using the software at all). Well-written bug reports are great contributions, and I appreciate the effort you’ve put in, but the work that you’ve done on your bug report still doesn’t create any entitlement on me to fix it.
If you really want that bug fixed, the source is available, and the licence gives you the right to modify it as you see fit. I encourage you to dig in and fix the bug. If you don’t have the necessary skills to do so yourself, you can get someone else to fix it – everyone has the same entitlements to use, study, modify, and redistribute as you do.
You may also decide to pay me for a support contract, and get the bug fixed that way. That gets the bug fixed for everyone, and gives you the bonus warm fuzzies of contributing to the digital commons, which is always nice.
But… My PR is a Gift!
If you take the time and effort to make a PR, you’re doing good work and I commend you for it. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily merge it into this repository, or even work with you to get it into a state suitable for merging.
A PR is what is often called a “gift of work”. I’ll have to make sure that, at the very least, it doesn’t make anything actively worse. That includes introducing bugs, or causing maintenance headaches in the future (which includes my getting irrationally angry at indenting, because I’m like that). Properly reviewing a PR takes me at least as much time as it would take me to write it from scratch, in almost all cases.
So, if your PR languishes, it might not be that it’s bad, or that the project is (dum dum dummmm!) “unmaintained”, but just that I don’t accept this particular gift of work at this particular time.
Don’t forget that the terms of licence include permission to redistribute modified versions of the code I’ve released. If you think your PR is all that and a bag of potato chips, fork away! I won’t be offended if you decide to release a permanent fork of this software, as long as you comply with the terms of the licence(s) involved.
(Note that I do not undertake support contracts solely to review and merge PRs; that reeks a little too much of “pay to play” for my liking)
Gee, You Sound Like an Asshole
I prefer to think of myself as “forthright” and “plain-speaking”, but that brings to mind that third thing you’re entitled to: your opinion.
I’ve written this out because I feel like clarifying the reality we’re living in, in the hope that it prevents misunderstandings. If what I’ve written makes you not want to use the software I’ve written, that’s fine – you’ve probably avoided future disappointment.
If you use a relational database, you are almost certainly underusing constraints. This post is a checklist of useful database constraints you should consider when designing a schema.