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Description of linux tools to debug programs
All state is tracked while a program is running, so you can debug in the past.
rr is a lightweight tool for recording and replaying execution of applications (trees of processes and threads). More information about the project, including instructions on how to install, run, and build rr, is at http://rr-project.org.
strace usage example !
valgrind can run a gdb server so that a gdb can interact with it. valgrind has 2 options to trigger that:
This second option tells valgrind it needs to wait for that many errors before freezing and wait for a gdb to connect. Setting it to 0 will make valgrind to wait for gdb to connect before executing the program.
valgrind --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 ./foo
gdb ./foo
(gdb) target remote | vgdb