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How do I start/stop or enable/disable services with systemd?
Activates a service immediately:
systemctl start foo
Deactivates a service immediately:
systemctl stop foo
Restarts a service:
systemctl restart foo
Shows status of a service including whether it is running or not:
systemctl status foo
Enables a service to be started on bootup:
systemctl enable foo
Disables a service to not start during bootup:
systemctl disable foo
Prevent a service from starting dynamically or even manually unless unmasked:
systemctl mask foo
Check whether a service is already enabled or not:
systemctl is-enabled foo
systemd0 is a replacement for the sysvinit daemon used in GNU/Linux and Unix systems, originally authored by Lennart Poettering of Red Hat. It represents a monumental increase in complexity, an abhorrent and violent slap in the face to the Unix philosophy, and its inherent domineering and viral nature turns it into something akin to a "second kernel" that is spreading all across the Linux ecosystem.
This site aims to serve as a rundown and a wake-up call to take a stand against the widespread proliferation of systemd, to detail why it is harmful, and to persuade users to reject its use.
Systemd maintainer's response: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-biggest-myths.html