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6 private links
A compact and simple object notation. µ[mju:] stands for "micro".
File extension: .mu
MIME type: application/muon
Endianness: little-endian
Signature/Magic: optional, 8F B5 30 31 ["�µ01"] @ 0x0
Muon has some interesting properties (see presentation and docs):
Every null-terminated UTF8 string is at the same time a valid muon object
Gaps in the UTF8 encoding space (code units) are used to encode things like [ ] { } etc.
Muon is self-describing and schemaless, just like JSON (unlike Protobuf and FlatBuffers)
Compact (~10..50% smaller than JSON). On par or outperforms CBOR, MsgPack, UBJSON
Unlimited size of objects and values
Data is ready to be used in-place without pre-processing
Supports raw binary data (values and TypedArrays)
Can optionally contain count of elements (and size in bytes) of all structures for efficient document processing, similar to BSON